Thursday, June 30, 2016

How To Boost Old Business Relationships

Networking and building relationships with partners and other businesses is an essential part of success. But things happen and you may find that you’ve fallen out of touch or lost a valued partner over some miscommunication in the past. What can you do to win back those organizations you’ve accidentally alienated? Here are some tips on rejuvenating old business relationships to help you:

Start by demonstrating how you’ve grown as a company and how they will benefit from re-establishing the partnership.

“To rejuvenate a relationship that will come back and stay back, think about how you can make the re-connection beneficial for them. This can be a new product that meets their needs better than what you had before. It could be a change in personnel on your side if there was a problem with one of your staff. Be creative and find ways the other party will benefit by investing the TIME to rekindle a dormant or lethargic relationship. The advantage of “new” can bring a fresh dynamic to rekindle great opportunities.”

Recognize that they’ve grown as well and don’t resort to helping them the same way you did in the past. You’ll have to learn about the new them just as they will learn about the new you.

“Don’t assume that everything is as it once was. Business and life probably have changed for both of you. Do an assessment of where they are now. Explore new opportunities to help them. Be open to new possibilities that didn’t exist before.”

Do your research and find a problem they have that you can solve better than anyone else. They’ll appreciate that you put the time into learning about them and trying to help them.

“Find ways to give them value like never before. Solve problems they have and create new opportunities for them to grow their top and/or bottom lines. See yourself as a partner to help them and you’ll have a much greater chance to rejuvenate relationships.”

Go beyond offering them the same benefits they received before when you were partners. Give them new reasons to rejuvenate the relationship.

“Create compelling new reasons that the rejuvenation will benefit them. You want to have more than a “let’s just get back together” focus. It will be entered with new enthusiasm (important) if there is a bonafide reason like a new product, a new idea to benefit them or something that profoundly helps them.”

Now good luck rejuvenating your old business relationships and remember to maintain it this time!

Image by thetaxhaven


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