Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to Stay Productive No Matter What

We all strive to stay productive throughout the day. Being productive means doing what we said we would do, in the time we promised. But what do you do when the day takes an unexpected turn and throws off your schedule? Here are four ways to stay productive and achieve more.

(Curated from Entrepreneur Magazine)

1. Be Prepared
Meetings run late and plans get cancelled. Consider this free time a way to get ahead or caught up on your to-do list.

“Instead of wasting this time being upset or feeling let down, use this time for good. See it as a gift instead of a waste. “Found” time can be used to do things like writing a “thank you” or “I noticed” card, sharing appreciation with someone you work with.”

2. Breathe
Having a full schedule can be overwhelming. It’s ok to get lost in the moment or stressed out. Just remember to breathe and conquer your to-do list one item at a time.

“Remembering to breathe deeply can calm the hectic moments and allow you to re-focus on where you want this day to go. This reflective pause helps us experience improved concentration and an increase in energy. Relaxed bodies also have greater self-confidence -- just what you need when things seem to be spinning out of control.”

3. Stay Present
Constantly thinking about what you need to do next doesn't allow you to take advantage of and enjoy the moment. Complete tasks one step at a time before moving on to the next.

“When we are constantly in the future or in the past we miss out on the beauty of the present. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who didn’t seem to be taking in what you were saying? Don’t be that person. Be present. Fully engage in whatever you are doing to assure your best work and quality productivity.”

4. Self-care
If you want to be the best you can be, take care of yourself first. In order to create a more productive mindset, you must learn to check up on yourself throughout the day.

“Do you need some caffeine? Do you need to get up and dance or do some jumping jacks to get the blood flowing? Do you need some fresh air? Getting to experience what your body is yearning for can make a real difference. Rejuvenating is not only good for your productivity, but is good for the soul.”

What are your best tips to stay focused and productive?

Friday, May 6, 2016

What Makes A Successful Entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur can be a long process with tough challenges. Many entrepreneurs possess certain  characteristics and attributes that allow them to stand out from the competition. Here are six attributes most successful entrepreneurs demonstrate.

(Curated by Entrepreneur Magazine)

1. Determination
No matter how many setbacks, stay determined and never give up. One of the many reasons entrepreneurs fail is because they gave up after a mistake.

“Great entrepreneurs will tell you that they may have pivoted many times, down to their last dollar, but have never given up. I look for that same determination in every new founder.”

2. No Excuses
Don’t make excuses, turn challenges and setbacks into lessons learned for the next client.

“Successful entrepreneurs are always ready, willing, and able to learn from challenges, rather than trying to find something or someone to blame. Howard Schultz readily admitted that early success created hubris and entitlement in his team, which took a major initiative to correct later.”

3. Update
Constantly update your products or services. Don’t decide to make changes when your competition does. Always stay ahead of the competition and make changes, even if they become lessons learned.

“Steve Jobs was quick to obsolete his own best-selling products every few months, to keep the momentum and the Apple brand image growing. That’s a challenging but winning long-term strategy.”

4. Relationships
Build relationships with your team, clients, and potential partners. A successful business relies on talent and relationships with others. Surround yourself with strong and positive people.

“There really is something to the saying that a successful business depends on who you know, as much as what you know. That ability and determination to nurture win-win relationships with peers, potential partners, and competitors, separates long-term entrepreneurs from short-term flashes.

5. Desire for Change
A desire to change is sometimes more important than profit. Long term success comes from motivation for a higher purpose.

“Steve Jobs often attributed his long-term success to a desire to change the world, but suffered setbacks when he took his eyes off revenue flow for too long. Even the best cause does not sustain a business alone, and a higher cause is needed to drive long-term success.”

6. Hard Work
Work hard, stay focused, and learn along the way. A successful entrepreneur puts in longer hours and works harder than the average person.

“Not only do they put in more hours by habit, they get far more done than others. Yet they are known for their extreme focus on selected critical elements, and their extreme depth of knowledge on key subjects.”

What are other traits successful entrepreneurs have?
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