Friday, April 29, 2016

Unexpected Ways Your Business Can Outperform the Competition

As an entrepreneur, you’ll always have to find new and innovative ways to stand out from the competition. The Internet is just another level of business where you need be competitive.  Here are 4 simple ways you can compete successfully in your industry:.

(Curated from Entrepreneur Magazine)

1. Keep Your Promises
Many businesses and entrepreneurs make promises they either don’t or can’t keep.  An easy way to stand out from the competition is to simply honor what you say, keep your promises, and do great work.

“Stand out from your competition by doing something that should be a standard practice in business today but isn’t. If you can’t deliver—then don’t promise. Be realistic in what services you can provide and in what time frame.”

2. Be Original
It's easy to copy the success of others. Become someone clients and businesses know and trust by modeling you success after other entrepreneurs and not stealing it.

“When you are original you stand out from everyone else that tries to be like everyone else. If an idea is someone else’s, give credit where it’s due. Take the strategy and make it unique to you and what your business does. People will respect you more for telling the truth.”

3. Don’t Lose Focus
Everyday there is a new form of technology that may help your business. There will always be a new social media platform to join. Only use the tools that will help you achieve your goals in a realistic manner.

“One measure of success is your ability to filter. There will always be a new gadget or social network or strategy, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for your business or where your focus should be right now. Everything has its place and time and it’s vitally important to never lose your balance. Focus on what will help your next steps. Focus on one thing at a time. Focus on what will help your customers the most.”

4. Maintain Consistent Service
Customer service is important for any business. When a client asks for help, provide consistent  assistance. Listen to your clients and provide useful information to solve their problems.

“There are a thousand different things to focus on and that have to get done in a business. You stand out when your focus is on your customer’s needs. Listen to what leads and customers are saying their biggest struggles are and then map out a strategy to help them.”

What are other ways you can stand out from the competition?


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