Thursday, December 1, 2016

How Millennials Will Change the Workplace in 2017

The millennial generation, born between 1980 and 2000, is now the largest generation at work and will continue to shape the world of work for years to come -- but what’s in store for us in 2017? Studies show the Millennial generation is more collaborative than others and has a strong preference for remote work options. Additionally, Millennial workers prefer to use technology to interact and get work done.

With that in mind, here are three ways the workplace will change in 2017 and beyond, as younger generations begin to dominate the workforce:

(Curated from Inc.)

1. Instant Messaging Will Become the Primary Internal Communication Tool

While email is typically used as the primary form of communication among employees, many businesses are slowly trying to adopt more efficient forms of internal communication tools, such as instant messaging, project management platforms, and collaboration technology.

“One French IT company, for example, recently tried to eradicate email entirely. According to the company's CEO, only 10 percent of the 200 messages employees received each day were deemed useful, and 18 percent were considered spam. He challenged his 74,000-person company to eliminate internal emails and communicate instead via instant messaging and live chat tools.”

2. Traditional Workspace Designs Will Be Eliminated

Millennial leaders are changing the way workspaces are designed by knocking down the cubicles and replacing them with open, community-driven office spaces.

“Modern business leaders are adopting similar approaches to workplace design by eliminating cubicles and divided departments, and allowing for open meeting spaces and seating areas. Open offices better facilitate communication and encourage more in-person interaction. This leads to better problem solving, more rapid collaboration, and community development.”

3.  The 9-to-5 Schedule Will No Longer Exist

Millennials are reimagining the 40-hour work week. They want to work when they want and where they want.

“The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that more than 20 million Americans actively choose part-time work to deliberately secure work-life balance and gain more flexible work hours. Technology also makes it possible for businesses to eliminate the traditional 9-to-5 schedule.”

Millennial business leaders are creating work environments that give employees more flexibility over their schedules, using technology to allow people to work when and where it works best for them.

With constant technological developments, rapidly shifting economies, and increased desire for freedom and meaning, the workplace is evolving. As you go into the new year, keeping these three workplace trends in mind will help you prepare for 2017 and beyond.


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