Friday, October 21, 2016

How to Know If Entrepreneurship Is Right for You

Many people dream of opening their own business, but not everyone has what it takes. How do you know if you’re cut out for the job? While there is no simple way of gauging whether you are or not, there are certain traits and characteristics that come as red flags for someone looking to start a business. Here are some signs that you are not cut out for the entrepreneurial life:

(Curated from Tech.Co)

You Get Along with Everyone

People-pleasers make great salesmen and customer service reps because they are empathetic and shy away from confrontation; however, these are not good traits to have as an aspiring entrepreneur.

“Startup founders and business owners need to be able to put their foot down and demand the things they need. Whether it’s funding, employees, or the right influencer, an entrepreneurs need to be able to stake their claim, regardless of the people that need pleasing.”

You Follow Orders

The world is made of followers and leaders. Which one are you? If you’re comfortable with being an order-taker for the rest of your life, perhaps entrepreneurship is not for you. If, on the other hand, you thrive at making tough decisions and giving some orders, that may be the spark of entrepreneurship.

“Entrepreneurs don’t follow orders. They make their own path and create the circumstances needed to succeed. Even if experts advise otherwise, an entrepreneur acts on well-informed instinct, and those instincts are usually right. Following orders gets in the way of the creative process, and an entrepreneur without creativity might as well start greeting people at Walmart.”

You Love the Status Quo

The status quo helps regulate the business world in many ways -- It lets potential candidates know what it takes to get hired, it keeps employees informed on how to keep their jobs, and it makes it easier for managers to keep track of their team. However, true entrepreneurs are always challenging the status quo.

“Entrepreneurs have no business in the status quo. They’re all about mixing things up, innovating new technologies, and revolutionizing the standard way things get done. As far as entrepreneurs are concerned, “status quo” is a curse word that should never leave their lips. Unless, of course it’s in the sentence, “to hell with the status quo!”

So, based on the above: are you cut out for the entrepreneurial life?


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