Thursday, September 1, 2016

How to Stay Productive When Working from Home

Working from home has several benefits, but is increased productivity one of them? While some people find they are more productive when working from home, many others experience difficulties that those in an office setting don’t. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can be just as productive at home as you are in the office.

(Curated from Entrepreneur Magazine)

Avoid Sleeping In

Rather than sleeping in until the minute you have to start working, try getting into the routine of waking up early, as if you were actually going to work. The reason? It takes about two hours for your body to fully wake up and adjust to its best concentration level.

“In the morning when you first hop out of bed, your melatonin levels are still relatively high, which is often the reason for early morning grogginess. Jumping right into work when you haven’t given your mind and body the appropriate amount of time to adjust can inhibit your productivity.”

Make a To-Do List

Working from home can make it difficult to keep important tasks at the forefront of your mind. Creating a to-do list of important tasks will help keep you on track and reduce your ability to procrastinate. It’s also a good idea to schedule 5-10 minute breaks in between tasks to keep your level of focus up.

“When you schedule your breaks, you also tend to stress out less about taking those breaks. You give yourself more of an opportunity to truly relax in those 5 minutes rather than hitting yourself over the head for wasting time.”

Stay off the Couch

Working on the couch may seem tempting, but the problem that often occurs is that one can get a bit too comfortable.

“You should set aside some space that is solely for the purpose of work. If you work from home and you don’t have a separate space or office, you should at least have a desk. A huge part of productivity is getting into a focused mindset.”

Make Plans After Work

The majority of people go home to get away from work. When you work from home, you don’t have that option. Try making plans after working from home whenever possible to avoid turning into a recluse. This doesn’t mean you have to do something extravagant, but give yourself a reason to get out of the house.

“Being alone every day and isolated in your own living quarters can have negative psychological effects. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you should work on the couch in your pajamas every day. It’s important to structure your days and separate yourself from your house if you truly want to be productive.”

How do you stay productive when working from home? Share your tips with us!


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