Friday, June 19, 2015

How To Give Your Startup An Edge

Launching a successful startup is one of the most challenging tasks in the business world. Entrepreneurs face numerous obstacles and if you’re not prepared properly or lack the right skills, the process becomes even more difficult. But there are a few things you can do to give yourself an edge over the competition such as going beyond your product. If you make your product or service more than just a name it will draw more customers.

(Curated from Tech.Co)

“Try to position your business around an idea or movement that goes beyond the products you sell. Disney’s brand, for example, is “where dreams come true”. That brand image is broader than simply movies and amusement parks. Subway has positioned their company as a weight loss program. This branding goes beyond their food.”

You can also find success by becoming an expert in your field. With enough expertise, you won’t have to chase customers, they will come to you. Another great way to find more customers is by personal referrals. If you can find one customer or client to trust in you and your company, they will be more likely to share the benefits of your ideas with their friends.

“The easier way to find a new customer is when an existing client tells a friend about you. That can happen when customers become fans of your work. By delivering a great product and good customer service, you can start getting word of mouth referrals to your business.”

One of the best ways to help your company succeed is to hire the right people. Not only should you make sure that you hire qualified people, but also people who will fit in with your company and your brand.

“The team you hire can have a big impact on your company’s success. Forbes explains that good employees are interested in your business’s culture. Many workers are also drawn to positions that allow them to work remotely. Keep these points in mind as you look for talented people.”

As you work towards launching your startup company, the biggest advantage you can have is to set yourself apart from the competition. If you stand out among in the crowd, you are more likely to find success. How are you giving your startup an edge?


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