Friday, July 17, 2015

Pursue New Customers Without Losing Current Patrons

Attracting new customers is always an important step in growing a business, but don't disregard your current patrons. The people who support you now will be major assets as you try to grow so don't neglect them as you seek new customers. Once you have loyal customers, keeping them is the next priority. If you're giving your current customers the same attention and energy as new customers, you're on the right track. Here are a few other strategies to keep in mind:

If you pay attention to your current customers and focus on their needs, you can anticipate your consumers' needs, which will change as your business grow. You can also collect feedback and surveys from your customers. Understanding what consumers want will not only help you keep your customers, but will also attract new ones.

"This tactic is referred to as anticipatory service, and it can be as simple as sending out a flyer about current promotions or a coupon for upcoming sales. Taking the time to get to know and anticipate the needs of your customers will lead to future sales, as you can tailor your services to fit their needs."

If some of your customers are already starting to lose interest, reach out to them. It's never too late to re-establish your relationships with customers. When consumers know you care about them and their opinions they will be more likely to continue showing their support and even advocate the benefits of your company to other consumers.

"Some customers slip through the cracks and are left to forge a relationship with your business on their own. Bring back lost sheep by reaching out to them and finding out why they are no longer buying, and take responsibility for any oversights. Demonstrate that you still value and respect their loyalty. Many customers will stop buying if they don’t hear from you, so show them you’re around to engage with them."

With these strategies, you will demonstrate excellent customer service and encourage loyalty to your brand. Word of mouth is one of the most effective marketing tools and with happy customers you can use it to your advantage. How do you maintain your customer base?


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